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7:00 PM19:00

Metal Allegiance | House of Blues Anaheim California

Held Hostage is excited to Rock with Metal Allegiance Jan 24 2019 House of Blues Anaheim California, First night of Music biggest event, The Namm Show. Come out and support your Favorite Rockers as they head to the West Coast with Special Guest Drummer, Rock Legend Carl Canedy (The Rods, Canedy, St James)

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to Jan 20

Held Hostage/Special Guest Drummer Carl Canedy also Lovebone

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HH Jan19.jpg

National Recording/Touring Artist Held Hostage returns to Cato Hotel With Special Guest Drummer, Rock Legend Carl Canedy (The Rods, Canedy, ST James) This is going to be one of the most epic nights of Rock and Roll as this will be first Concert of 2019 for Held Hostage, right after the concert then they leave to Rock California with Metal Allegiance for one of musics biggest events, The Namm Show, Opening the Concert will be one of Central NY's premiere bands Lovebone featuring the great guitarist Roy Coston. Between Held Hostage and Lovebone these two bands have had special guest appearances from members from some of Rocks most Iconic bands. The Rods, Deep Purple, Quiet Riot, Dee Sniders (twisted Sister) Widow Maker, Alice Cooper, to mention a few bands. DON'T MISS the first great Concert of 2019

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